Posts by Hedy

    Letter Accumoli to Vezzano, 11 January 1837. Three slits. Disinfection confirmed with rectangle cachet “PROVINCIA DE ASCOLI/NETTO DENTRO” lit. “Province of Ascoli/Clean Inside” not known to Meyer, Ravasini and not described in BOLLI e DOCUMENTI DI SANITA

    Dear friends

    I will be happy to hear data about this letter. It is true that was sent from Vejle (cachet Veile)? The stamp? Cachet shows 1839?

    If it was disinfected, where? Nothing it is written inside.

    Thank you


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    The following letter is interesting for us. Three different postal systems and double disinfection. It was written in Mostar (Bitola) on 7 October 1856. Sent with Ottoman post to Alksinac. Here it was disinfected and stamped with Kardosh type 1b cachet. The Serbian post (Alksinac one line Cyrillic cachet) took the letter to Semlin (Zemun). Here it was disinfected for the second time. The Austrian post carried it to Beograd and Pesth received 17 October. The receiver it was the company John it is looking for.

    I will thank for a translation of the hand-writing scan in photo 2. Does anybody knows if A. Chrystodulo in Beograd was a forwarding agent?

    As promised

    More to come

    The best

    Dear John

    Some of the letters are in my collection. I send scans of two letters, more to come.

    First it is a letter sent on June 1848 from Veles to Pest. It was sent with Austrian post. On front Semlin cachet and on the back Pest 1 July. Disinfected at Aleksinac, red wax seal. The second sent from Bucharest to Pest also with Austrian post 1847. It was disinfected at Schuppanek.



    Letter from Krain (Carniola) Landrecht (state jurisdiction) in Laibach (Lubiana) to Tollmezzo (Udine Province) April 24, 1832

    Route: Krain-Lubiana - Storie – Trieste – Monfalcone – Tollmezzo.

    Disinfection: first at Storie, open fumigated and resealed with wax seal “K.K.CONTUMAZ ANSTALT IN STORIE”, used 1832 only. Because suspicion of contagion from Fiume and Hungary a disinfection station was open in the small village of Storie.

    Second at Trieste. Disinfected by scorching and struck in front with ‘NETTO DI FUORA / NETTO DI DENTRO” in red. Used in Trieste 1831 -1841

    White discoloration spot where the tongs kept the letter

    Provenance: Ravasini

    Described by Karl Mayer, DISINFECTED MAIL, page 101 without photo

    1. Letter addressed to the Great Postelnic and Knight Alexandru de Theodori (Alexandru Theodoru), doctor of medicine at Roman, Moldavia. The
    2. letter was sent by Austrian consular post from Munich on October 26, 1853, through Vienna October 29. Krakow 30 Oct. disinfected the Boian
    3. quarantine, Czernowitz 3 November. Roman. Dr. Theodori lived in the house he built with a façade on the Roman-Bacau road. The letter was delivered to this address.
    4. Doc. Theodori was the only doctor at Precista Mare Hospital.
    5. Postelnic was a historical rank traditionally held by boyars in Moldavia and Wallachia, roughly corresponding to the position of chamberlain and equivalent to foreign minister.
    6. The postal taxes were 9 Kreutzer for the territory of the Austrian Empire and 6 Kreutzer for the territory of Moldova. Small holes on the front and back of the envelope made to facilitate disinfection.
    7. The number of letters received in the Principality is much smaller than those going out, the proportion being about 1 in 10.

    Letter sent on 12 October 1804 from Barcelona to Port Maurice (Porto Maurizio). Endorsed via Girona. Barcelona was suffering from yellow fever. It was douse in vinegar for disinfection. I suppose that the disinfection took place near Perpignan. Other option it is that was disinfected at Barcelona. Prof.Guy Dutau mention in his book that during 1803-1804 yellow fever epidemic, mail from Spain to France was disinfected in Perpignan area. On front faint departure cachet "B / CATALVNA".

    1. Dear Colleagues
    2. I ask you to help me translate where this letter came from and to whom it was addressed.
    3. Thank you


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    Thank you Andre

    As always your help it is very important.

    The provenience of the letter it is from Archive of Angiolini and Frangini in Florence 1701-1740 sold at the auction galleries of Christie's on 30 October 1984. I believe that this is the origin of yours letter too.

    Best regards

    Letter sent from Lucerne to Den Haag, disinfected at Arnhem quarantine. The purification was confirmed with the red cachet GEZUIVERD, dimensions 42 X 5 mm.

    Because of the secession of Belgium, Arnhem was also the frontier office for mail from France, from 5 April until 16 July 1832.

    On the upper left side two rows cachet LUCERNE/JUL 4 (1832). In the middle weak cachet SUISSE PAR HUNIGUE applied at Zurich.

    Rhomboid cachet reading "7/A.E/J.F" meaning "affranchie à l'Etranger Jusqu à la Frontière" (lit. postage paid abroad till the border) applied at Huningue border point.

    Charged form the receiver 75 Cents. Can somebody explain the tariff?

    Received 14 July.


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    ALEKSINAC AND SEMLIN (Zemun) disinfection. Letter from Veles (12 September 1856) to Pest sent by Aromanian trade post office, manual annotation on the reverse. It passed through Serbian quarantine in Aleksinac at entrance to Serbia and Austrian quarantine at Semlin on the border Ottoman-Austrian Empires, At Semlin it was transferred to Austrian postal system, cachets: Semlin 17/9, Belgrade 17/9 and Pesth Frűh (early) 19/9. The receiver had to pay nine Kreutzer.

    First disinfection at Aleksinac resealed with red wax: "ALEKSINAC KARANTIN" type 1h, Dr Velizar Kardosh. Semlin second disinfection confirmed with black cachet "SIGILLUM SANITATIS".


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    The document presented here it is from the Direction Quarantine Kalafat and was disinfected with vinegar there before the person left the establishment.

    The document attest that a person was in quarantine for four days, 5-9 October 1849 and it is free to travel to the Craiova city (Walachia).

    Cachet reading KARANTINA KALAFATU was introduced in 1831 and used for nineteen years.

    This is the unique document known from Kalafat quarantine.


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