Posts by rolando38

    Hello Lawrence

    the manuscript mention "par voye de Marseille", reminds the later cancel "VOYE DE MER PAR MARSEILLE" who is said buy G Dutau p417 of his book to have been associated to the sanitation service, could suggest it has been disinfected; however it seems to have been written by the sender here

    being very early, (earliest disinfected date in Marseille is a 1601 letter from Alep) , France did have a document "Arrest de la cour du parlement ( de Provence )" dated 1629 , mentioning that coversshould be "perfumed" with fumes of laurel, geniper, and rosmarine OR immersed in vinegar ; I have a "reglement sanitaire" booklet of 1789, mentioning the same methods, in addition to slitting

    I'd be glad to further discuss with you , please email to

    Hello André

    I'm also very interested by this topic, and I can add the following items from my collection:

    . Rotterdam to Bordeaux, Oct 26th 1831 (fumigated, one slit) ; no enyytry marks however, it could be maritime mail ? I doubt-it

    . Gand to Vouvray (Fr), Dec 16th 1831 (2 large slits) "Belgique par Lille" entry

    . Courtray to Paris, Oct 7th 1831 (2 large slits) "Pays Bas par Lille" entry

    . Stralsund to Bordeaux, Feb 4th 1832 (2 small slits) "Prusse par Forbach" entry

    . Berlin to Bordeaux Aug 27th 1831 , which seems an early date, "Prusse par Forbach" entry

    I have looked at hundreds of cross border 1831-32 covers at the North East of France and only a few seem to have been disinfected

    I am also very surprised not to found any incoming disinfected mail at the border with Kingdom of Sardinia ie Pont de Beauvoisin or Antibes entry points; should you have any, please tell me
