"Geräuchert vom Contumaz-Amte / zu SEMLIN am ... (date)" (Fumigated by the Quarantine Office of Semlin)

  • The cachet "Geräuchert vom Contumaz-Amte / zu SEMLIN am ... (date)" of the quarantine station of Semlin is found on letters from 1832/33. There was also offered a letter of 1835 with this cachet at an auction but the date of the cachet was not clear visible so I'm not sure if 1835 is correct.

    I noticed that there exist variants of this cachet. These cachets differ, among other things, that no, some or all words are in italics.

    1)"Geräuchert vom Contumaz-Amte / zu SEMLIN am ... (date)" (1832, 1833)

    2)"Geräuchert vom Contumaz-Amte / zu SEMLIN am ... (date)" (1833)

    3)"Geräuchert vom Contumaz-Amte / zu SEMLIN am ... (date)" (1833)

    The attached photograph shows a letter written in Constantinople and sent to Triest with cachet "Geräuchert vom Contumaz-Amte / zu SEMLIN am 23. Nov. 1833".


    I'm interested to see further letters with this cachet.